A downloadable game for Windows

Dungeon Quest Rescue Alpha version 3 PC only

Take Susan through 3 levels in this release exploring Grasmere Castle and its surroundings. F9 is the pause menu and contains the rest of the controls. F10 is the hint menu. This demo has unlimited lives and no save system, the level select menu is in development, the only way to play is by selecting "New Game"

Grasmere Entrance - enter the castle and find keys to advance past enemies, kill the warlock before he vaporizes you with his magic.

Grasmere Atrium and Keep entrance - Find a crossbow and Axe, collect more keys to complete the level.

Grasmere Caverns - A level near the end of the game in development, advance by taking daring leaps onto moving platforms and dispatching enemies with your crossbow. Make your way onto the Merchant Ship where eventually a boss battle will take place.


DQR_Alpha9-17-24.zip 351 MB

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